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Cycling - Criterium or Short Race / Event - Novice - 8wks

This is a training plan created by Endurance Strong is designed to prepare an intermediate cyclist for a Criterium or Short Road Race or Event. On Non-Recovery Weeks this plan ranges from 9.0-9.75hrs/wk and 520-690 TSS/wk and is suitable for any level Cat 4, novice Masters, advanced Cat 5 racers or slightly more experienced novice cyclists preparing for a 40min-2.5hr race or event. Recommended starting fitness would be a minimum of a CTL in the 50's, which a previous Endurance Strong Novice Race Training Plan should have you at. This plan has notes on how and when to incorporate strength training but no other strength training guidance. Endurance Strong also offers this same Training Plan with a full Strength Training Plan included at a slightly higher price point (Best Value), as well as separate Goal-Specific Strength Training Plans available a la carte for further individualization. This plan generally follows the sequence of: 


- Monday - Off

- Tuesday - Shorter Intervals / Sprints

- Wednesday - Shorter Endurance and Strength Training

- Thursday - Tempo / Sweet Spot

- Friday - Active Recovery

- Saturday - HIIT or Medium/Long Intervals and Strength Training

- Sunday - Longer Endurance Ride


Training Peaks version available here for $10 upcharge.

- Allows transfer to cycling computers, watches and indoor training platforms.

- Includes Basic Training Peaks account where you can adjust training plan workouts in calendar.

Cycling - Criterium or Short Race / Event - Novice - 8wks

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